I grew up in inner-city Washington, DC, in Columbia Heights. I always was eager to work and add a little money in my pocket. Unfortunately, DC had age restrictions for an individual to work. Mayor for Life (I use that term affectionally), Marion Barry, first became mayor in 1979; he committed local funding and doubled the size of the summer youth program, saying that any youth who wanted a job could get one. That was music to my ears because I wanted to work. Former Mayor Barry, who died in 2014, became one of the summer job program’s most consistent champions, endearing himself to an entire generation of Washingtonians like myself. I followed all prompts to sign up for a summer job. They trained us on professionalism in a large group and received further training at the worksite. My assignment was the Smithsonian National Zoo. My job location was a nice long walk or one bus ride (H2, H4, or H8 for you METRO bus riders). My job was ground maintenance for the Panda House. Ling-Ling (Chinese: 玲玲, 1969–92) and Hsing-Hsing (simplified Chinese: 兴兴; traditional Chinese: 興興, 1970–99) were two giant pandas given to the United States as gifts by the government of China following President Richard Nixon’s visit in 1972. In addition, the U.S. government sent China a pair of musk oxen as a gift. The pandas had been captured in the wild in June and December 1971. They arrived at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., on April 16, 1972, and were formally received several days later, on April 20, at a ceremony attended by First Lady Pat Nixon. During their time at the National Zoo, the pair had five cubs, but none survived past a few days. Ling-Ling died suddenly from heart failure on December 30, 1992, at which time she was the longest-lived giant panda in captivity outside China. Hsing-Hsing would pass her record when he was euthanized by zookeepers on November 28, 1999, at the age of 28 due to kidney failure. Following Hsing-Hsing’s death, the zoo received thousands of letters and cards from people across the country expressing sympathy. The Panda House at the National Zoo remained empty for over a year until the arrival of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian from the Wolong Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda in December 2000. I share the history of the pandas because they were a big deal to many people around the United States. The ZOO was visited by hundreds of thousands of individuals each summer. I got up close and personal, getting to see the two Pandas behind the scenes in their private environment. They would get locked up in their inside accommodations when I needed to cut their grass. As I write this, I am amazed at how dangerous this was at the time. My employment started the summer going into ninth grade, and I was all but fifteen years old. I believe that I was more eager about making money than my safety.At the end of March, the Corona Pandemic forced me into my home and did not allow me to go into my office. This new normal finds me with a commute that lasts no more than ten minutes ( I am home, but hygiene is still a must). I have new co-workers that consist of a college-age student, a high school junior, a person I am related to by mortgage plus my mother-in-law all under the same roof for the majority of the day together. These individuals, except for me, are all introverts. Their magical I in their Myers Briggs classification appears to be the anti-body for the cabin fever.
Nonetheless, I am dealing with my new normal. COVID 19 has rearranged the daily routine of Americans from Washington, DC to Los Anglos, and all parts in between. Being grateful for having employment in a field that I love, but being the only extrovert in my home has made me do some deep reflection. I have found ways to interact with others outside my house. I readily volunteer for errands that needed attention professionally and personally. I stopped doing this when the seriousness of this pandemic was stressed, especially when the statistics about the African-American community was shared. These days, I only leave home for groceries or medical appointments. I now look forward to connecting with colleagues through Blackboard Collaborative, Google Meet, and Google Dou. Professionally my meetings have been enjoyable. I miss my colleagues, and the joy of interacting with them brings. During our sessions, We can follow along with our agenda without any issues. If anything, we are more polite with one another and raise our hands to determine who can speak. During our first full week, we had a meeting that had everyone dress up in a costume. Socially, I had a happy hour to connect with teachers from one of the departments that I supervise. We got to see a new baby, home offices, and laugh for an hour. I also had a surprise birthday party for my youngest child. Over sixty family and friends were able to sing happy birthday Ausbrooks style (that would be the Stevie Wonder Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inS9gAgSENE). She teared up while we sang off-key. The village indeed showed her love. I had a semi-weekly video chat with thirteen of my favorite college buddies. These very successful husbands, fathers, and friends fell right back into our playful rolls from thirty years ago. During our time together we, reminisce upon college days that have swiftly pasted. Laughter, making ourselves vulnerable to one another, and sharing the next steps that will help us thrive is a result of our time together. One member of our group closes out our hour-long session in prayer. I don't have the magical anti-body for cabin fever. Making real connections with others has helped me during this month. My cabin fever has gone from a high grade to being stable. Most mornings, I am fortunate to take a relaxing drive on the George Washington Parkway when I am on my way to work. The drive is filled with beautiful trees and a manicured country club golf course. This picturesque trip could be on the cover of any Town & Country, Better Homes and Gardens or The New Yorker Magazine.
I get lost in the beauty of my commute. This morning was no different with the exception of my lead foot. The United States Park Police took notice and governed themselves accordingly. “Driver’s license and registration please,” the officer requested. “Do you know what I am stopping you for?” Not having experienced being pulled over in more than a decade I could only think of a Jay Z song as my response. “Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hat's real low or do I look like a mind reader, sir? I don't know am I under arrest or should I guess some mo?” Though my inner thoughts were heading in this direction I chilled and took a different approach. Besides, that response would have only created 99 more problems for me. Fortunately, my grandfather and mother gave me the police talk when I was a young lad. This conversation happened way before the Black Lives Matter movement. The conversation was just a natural rite of passage. It was like leaving my grade school and heading over to high school. You just took this conversation as being. Millions of other African-American families have had this conversation long before mine was delivered. So, when pulled over I had both hands on the steering wheel. I was pulled out my license and registration; making no sudden movements when he approached my car. I was polite and respectful. I remained calm. Most importantly, I did as I was taught. I made the overall process as short as possible. I have many friends in law enforcement and they do a wonderful job. Their goal, naturally, is to return home safely to their families. My goal today was to do the same. America, going home alive is the reason this was the best part of my day. I love my position in my school system. Something is always different and most of all I get to work with young people and their families. My day is activity from the minute I walk into my building until I leave for the day.
Today my daughter, who is a freshman in high school, earned an interim in her Biology. To my pleasure, it was a positive interim. Below is what was emailed to me: Xxxxxxx xxxxxx received an interim on 05/22/2018. Please direct any questions to your student's teacher, Margaret Blitzer. Type: Positive Interim Date: 05/22/2018 Xxxxxx did a nice job on her Biology test on the central dogma, earning a 54/58. In our remaining time together in Biology, Xxxx has two major assignments: her ecology/water quality video and her final exam (Thursday, May 31 at 9:00am). Xxxx has access to our class Google Drive folder with various exam review materials that I recommend she check regularly to best prepare for this upcoming assessment. I would encourage her to attend the optional lunch review sessions on Thursday, May 24 and Tuesday, May 29. Please let me know if you have any questions. Keep up the good work! This email went to my spouse and our child. This teacher has done a wonderful job of building a relationship with my child. She has sent emails with pictures of my child engaged in labs and other classroom activities throughout the academic year. I will borrow this positive interim idea and will bring it to my campus. I am sure the joy this email brought to me could be just as beneficial to my parents. This is a win win for me today and this is the reason it was the Best Part of My Day. Hoops Sagrado
Program Dates: Week of July 12 to the Week of August 9, 2015 Application Deadline: April 15, 2015 Hoops Sagrado is an Adams Morgan-based youth leadership organization that gives DC high school students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a month during the summer in the highlands of Guatemala learning another language and culture, teaching Mayan children basketball skills, developing a sense of self, and gaining a new perspective on life. The program includes intensive Spanish instruction and host family placement, as well as field trips, cultural immersion, and community service activities. Hoops Sagrado is now selecting DC high school students for the summer 2015 program. The trip is fully funded. This is really a very cool program! For much more information and to download the application and brochure, go to the Hoops Sagrado website. APSA China Scholars Program Program Dates: June 27-August 3, 2015 (tentative) Application Deadline: February 8, 2015 Americans Promoting Study Abroad (APSA) will soon announce its 2015 China Scholars Program, an intensive five-week summer program of Chinese language and culture study in Beijing for eligible DC high school students. This will mark CGEL's eighth year working with APSA. The program includes field trips, community service, and exposure to international careers. Students must have completed at least one year of Chinese language learning prior to the program, must be US citizens in good health, and must commit to continuing Chinese in SY 2015-16. The program is fully funded; students will be responsible for passport fees, visa, and personal expenses. For more information and to apply online, go to www.apsaglobal.org. You can also contact your Chinese teacher or Sally at [email protected] Ruta BBVA Adventure-Study Trip Program Dates: 5 weeks during July - August 2015 Application Deadline: February 16, 2015 This is an incredible fully-funded international summer opportunity! Ruta BBVA selects Spanish-proficient students from all over the world to participate in this five-week summer academic-adventure program exploring the Hispanic world. The 2015 program will take place in Colombia and Spain. In addition to historical and cultural study, and adventure travel, the program will also focus on contemporary social and environmental issues. Applicants must be US citizens, and born between January 1, 1996 and July 15, 1997. Student applicants should be high performing academically, in good physical condition, with advanced written and oral Spanish language abilities (heritage speakers are eligible, if US citizens). This is a very selective program - with a multi-part application process requiring considerable creativity on the part of the student applicant. Contact Sally at [email protected] if you'd like to discuss before applying. Very highly recommended! For general information, go to www.rutabbva.com. Here's an English version. Questions? Contact the Embassy of Spain at [email protected] or call 202-728-2335. $ Lemkin Summit: A National Gathering of the Next Generation of Human Rights Defenders Program Dates: Sat, February 21-Mon, February 23, 2015 Application Deadline: Now Students and teachers interested in human rights and genocide are invited to participate in this year's Lemkin Summit, a unique opportunity to connect with university students and community activists from across the country who are taking action toward ending and preventing genocide and mass atrocities. Speakers will cover issues from women and youth in conflict to U.S. government responses to genocide and mass atrocities, as well as conflict areas, such as Burma, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria. Attendees will receive advocacy training. The final day of the summit will be a lobby day on Capitol Hill. A $50 registration fee is charged to cover meals and materials, but some fee waivers may be available. The program will take place at Enough Project/Center for American Progress, 1333 H Street, NW. The priority deadline has passed. To register, go the Enough Project website. If you are a teacher or parent interested in bringing a group of students, email [email protected] right away. American Institute for Architects – Manager, Federal Relations
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (select DC location, hit search button down the page) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives –Assistant Director, Government & Public Affairs – $120k-$181k – job ID: 15-SES-077-EJM – apply by Jan. 31 Catholic University – Vice President for University Advancement– search managed by Diversified Search Center for the Study of Islam & the Middle East – Outreach Intern Conservation International Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Assistant Director, Office of Legislative Affairs Corporate Council on Africa – Internships Deloitte – Manager, Political Action Committee EMD Serono – Government Affairs & Policy Associate/Intern – search managed by Randstad Dept. of Defense – Public Affairs Specialist with Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve – $63k-$98k – job ID: DHRA-15-1248481-B – apply by Jan. 5 Dept. of Energy – Digital Communications Specialist – $63k-$98k – job ID: DOE-HQ-PA- 15-00042-CR-R – apply today, Dec. 29 Destination DC
Hospira – Director of Policy/Government Affairs (search DC location or req ID: 14890BR) Institute of Museum and Library Services – Director of Communications & Government Affairs – $124k-$157k – job ID: IMLS-15-1287934 – apply by Jan. 16 Meals on Wheels Association of American – Public Policy Manager (pdf) National Committee for Quality Assurance (scroll to find) National PTA – Associate Director of Individual Giving – search managed by Staffing Advisors Population Action International Third Way
Youth center specializing in providing community services– Development Associate/Grant Writer – $55k-$70k – search managed by Randstad Opportunities in this Announcement
Job Title: Middle Grades Math Teacher Job Description: Job Description: Middle Grades Math Teacher William E. Doar Jr. Public Charter School for the Performing Arts (WEDJPCS), a unique public charter school in Northeast Washington, DC that serves more than 430 students in grades Pre-K to 8, is seeking a dynamic and committed Middle Grades Math Teacher to begin immediately. WEDJ, the District’s only performing arts public charter school, was founded in 2004 and offers a robust academic approach that supplements its college preparatory core curriculum with a comprehensive program of music, art, drama and dance.. The mission of WEDJ PCS is to provide a rigorous, college-preparatory academic and artistic learning environment that challenge students to reach their maximum intellectual, social, emotional, and artistic development as rapidly as their talents permit. With the arts fully integrated into the academic program and state-of-the-art technology available to all students, WEDJ celebrates multiple intelligences. The school is fully committed to creating a learning community, which identifies and nurtures students’ strengths in order to support scholastic achievement. Essential Duties and Responsibilities A teacher at WEDJ is responsible for the following: · Creating curriculum including unit and lesson plans aligned to Common Core standards · Structuring compelling, standards-based lessons that challenge students’ critical thinking and align with lesson, unit, and grade-level objectives · Utilizing strong content knowledge to effectively present material to students · Employing multiple methods to accommodate different learning styles and abilities, including special education students and English language learners · Assessing students academic and developmental growth through observation and a variety of assessment methods · Tracking and monitor assessment results in order to regularly refine teaching practices and design differentiated lesson plans · Communicating with students, parents, school staff to ensure that students are on-track in their learning and making progress towards goals · Participating in all professional development opportunities · Performing other appropriate responsibilities of a professional staff member of WEDJ Qualifications WEDJ is seeking educators with the following skills and characteristics: · Bachelor’s degree · Meet the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act · A demonstrated ability to provide engaging, child-centered and developmentally appropriate instruction to students · Demonstrated ability to establish an effective and efficient classroom culture · Ability to set ambitious goals for all students and guide them to meet the highest expectations for behavior and academic performance · A commitment to regularly assessing student progress and using data to strengthen student performance · Strong interpersonal skills for communicating successfully with students, families, and colleagues · Desire to work as a team with other teachers and staff · Desire to be part of a dynamic professional learning community that embraces accountability and outstanding student results · Exceptional organizational and planning skills · A positive attitude, enthusiasm, self-confidence and flexibility, and · Experience in an urban educational environment preferred How to Apply Please send a resume and cover letter via email to [email protected] with subject line “Middle Grades Math Teacher.” NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. William E. Doar Jr. PCS for the Performing Arts is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not allow discrimination with respect to employment or any of the terms or conditions of employment because of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, sexual identity, marital status or religion. Competitive salary and benefits (commensurate with experience). Job Title: Employee and Labor Relations Specialist Job Description: Please see attachment. Job Title: Project/Grants Manager Job Description: CAREERS IN NONPROFITS INC. is a full-service staffing firm that works exclusively with the nonprofit sector. We are currently in search of a Project/Grants Manager for a Medical Association in Columbia, MD. This is a direct-hire opportunity. If you or a friend may be interested in pursuing this opportunity please submit a resume to [email protected]with "Project/Grants Manager" in the subject line. ORGANIZATION TYPE: Medical Association LOCATION: Columbia, MD POSITION TITLE: Project/Grants Manager SALARY: $60-70K/annual POSITION OVERVIEW: The Project and Grants Manager will be responsible for monitoring the full cycle federal and state grant process for the organization. They will maintain the budget, participate in grant writing, and communicate with stakeholders regarding the status of the grant process as a whole. Experience in maintaining a timeline for projects is crucial. This position reports on the status of the projects and assists in the development of new projects/grants. This is a newly created position, reporting to the Senior Manager of the division. POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES:
Please send your MS Word resume along with your 1099 rate and a brief experience summary to be considered! Title: Sr.Business Analyst/Sr Business Process Consultant Location: Annapolis MD The Business Analyst role provides a unique opportunity for the selected candidate to define the business processes supported by the Health Care Reform Exchange. The role involves documenting business requirements for MD, across the lifecycle. The individual will also be responsible for ensuring proper interaction between various systems in a large, complex, multi-technology collaborative service oriented environment to deliver the required business processes. This position promises to be an exciting and rewarding opportunity by being at the forefront of activities related to Health Care Reform in the United States. It is expected that the individual has experience in defining business processes for large scale enterprise systems implementation. Define DHMH’s Solution Requirements
Other Responsibilities
Job Title: Internship Job Description: Paid Internship Opportunity at AARP, Washington DC (student must be located in the area) Pay: Undergraduate - TBD; Graduate - 15 an hour Hours - 20 hours @ week (preferably MWF) Dates: Feb - June 2015 with the ability to be extended. Please direct interested and qualified Undergraduate and Graduate students to Felicia Brown at [email protected]. Job Description: The AARP Financial Security Team is seeking an intern to work on various projects related to jobs/work, retirement security, and fraud prevention issues focused on the 50+ population. Specific projects may include: revision of job seeker and employer materials; assistance with the development/expansion of financial campaigns; revision of retirement educational materials; research for radio broadcast backgrounders; posting state fraud-prevention alerts to the Fraud Watch Network map; attending and reporting on in-person and web-based events; assistance with webinars, Virtual Career Fairs, Google+ Hangouts, etc.; logistics pertaining to all other financial security projects. We are looking for an undergraduate or graduate student in business, finances, or social sciences. Knowledge of Excel, Word, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media; strong analytic and critical thinking skills; excellent writing skills; creative skills and good 'people skills' are a must. Added bonus: a self-starter. Job Title: Two Positions Job Description: Job announcements all positions are with (DOE), (USDA) or FDIC. They are either fulltime with a (6) figure salary (HR Specialist) or the two others most underemployed or not employed persons could qualify; basic 15-25hrly positions. It's critical to respond soonest. Please contact Anita Brooker on 301-583-3500 ext. 214 or direct 240-487-1454. Duplicating Machine Operator Position: Full-Time Location: Alexandria, VA Start Date: Immediately Experience: 1-2 years Position Description / Summary of Duties: · The Duplicating Machine Operator performs minor repairs preventive maintenance, and maintains an inventory of supplies and reproduction equipment paying particular attention to important variables indicated by trade name of machine · Review and process outgoing mail through the mail-metering system; obtain and provides mail count data to appropriate person · Operates one or more photocopying, photographic, mimeograph and duplicating office machines to make copies of documents such as letters, reports, directives, manuals, articles and bulletins · Operates small binding machines, performing clerical duties associated with request for printing and photographic services, preparing assembly sheets, printing requisitions with specifications for printing and binding, recording, delivering and collecting work · Individual will receive, open, sort, and distribute both incoming and outgoing mail; route mail to various points within and outside the organization · Ensure all mail contains sufficient information for proper delivery · Maintain logs for mail accountability purposes · Screen documents, forms, and letters addressed or routed to various offices; research correspondence not addressed to specific functional areas · Screen material initially identified as "unable to route" to determine information requested and based on thorough knowledge of organization and functions of various offices, determine proper office which the material should be sent. Identify forms or documents requiring special priority handling and treat them accordingly · Receive and process incoming and outgoing registered and certified mail, and express mail shipments Education Desired: High School diploma or GED equivalent Clearance Required: N/A ________________________ Sr. Staffing HR Specialist Position: Full-Time Location: Washington, DC Start Date: Immediate Experience: 10 - 15 years Position Description / Summary of Duties: The Sr. Staffing HR Specialist will be responsible for performing technical work in recruitment, examination, selection, or placement and utilization of employees, to staff Federal organizations. Staffing Specialists serve as advisers to management regarding such matters as merit principles, and the advantages and disadvantages of various staffing methods in selecting employees for positions. These positions are also concerned with determining career patterns, ladders for movement and progress of employees; identifying promotional and reassignment opportunities, which require detailed knowledge of labor market conditions and manpower sources. Individual must possess skill and experience with online recruitment and examining systems; assisting hiring officials with job analysis and development of rating plans; staffing both merit promotion and delegated examining unit positions; and adjudicating veteran�s preference. Required Skills:
Job Title: Software Developers and Software Developer Managers Job Description: Hello, Amazon is Hiring for Software Developers and Software Developer Managers in Seattle, Washington and Herndon, Virginia. Attached is the job description We offer exceptional relocation packages and sign on bonuses. Are you a fit or know someone who is please email all resumes to [email protected]? Cynthia Jesse | Technical Recruiter | Amazon Web Services [email protected] Work hard. Have fun. Make history. Job Title: Director of Technology Initiatives Job Description: The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is hiring a Director of Technology Initiatives to join the Technology Division in the Office of the Deputy Chancellor for Operations! Checkout the full position description at: http://dcps.force.com/central/ts2__JobDetails?jobId=a0xU0000006L1XtIAK&tSource= Position Description The Office of the Deputy Chancellor for Operations (ODC) is responsible for guiding the operations functions for all 111 schools within the District. The Office goal is for all DCPS schools to be ready on the first day of school and every day after so that all principals can lead, all teachers can teach, and all students can learn. The Technology (ODCO-IT) division is responsible for ensuring access to stable technology infrastructure, security, and operations for students, staff, and Central Office in partnership with the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO). ODCO-IT supports DCPSs academic goals by ensuring access to broadband for students and supporting school-based technology managers with centralized policy communications, training, and information. The Director of Technology Initiatives is responsible for supporting and developing the District’s technology operations and strategy in partnership with the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), DC Government’s central IT services agency. The Director, Technology Initiatives, will also work closely with the Office of Teaching & Learning in implementing the District’s educational technology plan, assessing and supporting technology needs of other offices, and managing the use and deployment of technology throughout DCPS. The Director, Technology Initiatives will report to the Deputy Chief, Facilities & IT Initiatives Essential Duties and Responsibilities The below statements are intended to describe the general nature and scope of work being performed by this position. This is not a complete listing of all responsibilities, duties, and/or skills required. Other duties may be assigned.
Personal Qualities of Top Candidates
Job Title: Online Moderators Job Description: Kratos Learning (Kratos), a contractor for the U.S. Department of Education, has seven (7) exciting employment opportunities available for Online Community Moderators. Kratos manages a large, active online community that supports the professional development of adult educators nationwide—the LINCS Community. I encourage you to share the below opportunity with your organization’s audience and stakeholders via direct email, newsletter/blog posts, your website, or your social media channels (retweet @LINCS_ED). Applications are due by December 31, 2014. The online application can be found at:http://1.usa.gov/1vQKW7s. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) and administered by Kratos Learning, the Literacy Information and Community System(LINCS) provides on-demand, evidence-based professional learning opportunities to adult educators and stakeholders. With nearly 9,000 users, the LINCS Community provides an online forum for discussion, sharing, and information-gathering on key topics needed to deliver education programs that will help adult learners successfully transition to postsecondary education and 21st century jobs. Kratos and OCTAE seek experienced Online Community Moderators to cultivate and manage two or more topic-based discussion groups, and engage in data-based strategy development. The LINCS Community’s leadership team aims to create sustainable user-driven communities fueled by member contributions and collective expertise, as well as the regular peer-to-peer sharing of resources and best practices. The Online Community Moderator position will require approximately 10-12 hours per week to coordinate, plan, post, track, and report progress of discussion groups. Moderators are anticipated to start executing tasking in February 2015 with contract renewal options on an annual basis for the remaining contract period (through September 2017). Additionally, please send your resume or any questions to Jessie Stadd at [email protected]. Job Title: Multiple Positions Job Description: AppleTree Early Learning Public Charter School and AppleTree Institute for Education Innovation are looking to fill several key roles. Current openings include:
Job Title: Marketing and Communications Director One World Education Job Description: Position: Marketing & Communications Director (part-time) Organization Overview One World Education (OWEd) is a teacher-created, nonprofit leader providing middle and high school Common Core literacy programs and publishing student essays about cultural and global issues. Since 2007, the organization has been promoting peer-to-peer learning and helping students build the skills necessary for college and career level writing. About This Position As the Marketing & Communications Director, you will be the chief storyteller for the organization building community, press, and social media awareness of OWEd’s mission, program and successes. To do this, you will leverage our founder and staff expertise, and the organization’s track record for improving outcomes in Washington, DC schools. What You’ll Be Doing:
About You:
Compensation: 20K-30K depending on experience Preferred Start Date: December 15, 2014 Application Process: Send resume, cover letter, and references to Eric Goldstein – [email protected] Job Title: Account Supervisor Job Description: Hager Sharp is seeking an Account Supervisor to provide project leadership and public relations counsel for education clients, with particular emphasis on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). He/she will primarily support a client’s work in translating education data and research into clear, useful reports and products, and getting the information into the hands of stakeholders through media relations and other strategies. He/she will also support new business activities, including the development of new business proposals, firm marketing, and thought leadership, and operate under limited executive oversight. Come join our growing education practice! See the full job description: http://hagersharp.com/careers/account-supervisor-education-practice/ Job Title: Program Manager Job Description: The American Civics Center is seeking a Program Manager for its Washington DC based educational travel programs. Programs range in size from 20 to 100 people, take place over 3 to 6 days (including weekends) and last 8 to 12 hours per day. Program Manager plans program activities and supervises eight instructors responsible for working directly with secondary school students (U.S. & International) as these students explore Washington DC's public policy institutions, media outlets, monuments and museums. In addition, the program manager directly conducts some general interest programs for adults. Most programs are conducted from metro accessible hotels in the Crystal City neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia and involve travel to locations throughout Washington, DC. When not in field supervising staff or conducting programs at the hotel, incumbent may telecommute on planning days. This is a full time position. Starting salary is $38,000 to $45,000 per year depending on experience. In addition, organization provides a health insurance allowance, annual leave and expense reimbursement for costs associated with the operation of a home office. POSITION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master's degree in education, political science, international relations, history, economics, government or related field. 2. Excellent knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. government, current events, federal policymaking and the Washington DC area. 3. Ability to work with participants of all ages 4. Ability to set aside personal political viewpoint on an issue in order to present information in a nonpartisan manner. 5. Ability to work long hours and most weekends during peak program season (March-July) 6. Management or supervisory experience preferred 7. Spanish language skills preferred If you are interested in applying, please: -email resume to [email protected] or -fax resume to 703-382-9157 or -mail resume to: Chris Walsh American Civics Center 8405 Richmond Hwy Suite I Alexandria, VA 22309 For more information about American Civics Center, visitwww.AmericanCivicsCenter.com Job Title: Residential Life Administrator Job Description: The New York University (NYU) Global Academic Center in Washington, DC is seeking a Residential Life Administrator (RLA) for the upcoming calendar year. Description: The Residential Life Administrator (RLA) lives on a floor in an undergraduate hall and serves as a role model, peer counselor, resource and referral person, advocate, policy enforcer, programmer and leader for residents of the assigned floor(s). The RLA is expected to be aware of the goals and objectives of NYU Washington, DC and New York University. Under the supervision of the Residential Life Coordinator and Program Manager for Student Life, RLAs are expected to assist in the development of community, engage students with various programming, and report inappropriate behavior creating in the residence hall an environment that is conducive to the academic and personal growth of residential students. RLAs provide support in emergencies and times of personal stress. This is a live-in student housing, part-time (20 hours per week) position based in Washington, DC. RLAs are expected to be sufficiently available in the hall to respond to emergency situations that may arise and to maintain regular contact with residents. A staff member who is not on duty and who plans to leave the hall for more than a 24‐hour period (i.e., weekend) must notify and/or obtain prior permission from hall supervisor. NOTE: This is 12 month term role in Washington, DC and there is the possibility for an extension. If you are interested in applying for the position, please visit the NYU Careers website and search for posting # 20097447. Job Title: Various Opportunities Job Description: Hanover Research is a global information services firm providing knowledge support to both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Through our unique, fixed-cost model we provide customized, timely, and authoritative research and advice enabling our clients to make informed decisions, identify and seize opportunities, and heighten their effectiveness. Hanover provides work across a number of non-profit practice areas, including K-12, Higher Education, and Healthcare. Additionally, our Market Insight Center provides cross-industry research and analysis to B2B and B2C companies. Currently Hanover is actively recruiting for the below positions: 1. The Education Research Manager is the primary research contact for Hanover’s education practice partners. As such, the Education Research Manager will work with partners to identify the partners’ research needs on an ongoing basis and translate these needs to well-defined research projects. The Education Research Manager will manage the execution of these projects by Hanover’s staff of Content Analysts and Research Associates. The Education Research Manager will assume ultimate responsibility for the quality of each report and must be able to explain Hanover’s methodologies and findings to partners. Additionally, the Education Research Manager will work closely with Partner Solutions staff to develop long-term relationships and ensure partner satisfaction. We are seeking talented, highly-motivated applicants with the right combination of research and project management experience, preferably within the education sector. Successful candidates will be interested in making a long-term contribution to a growing organization. 2. The Content Analyst, Quantitative Research (Education Practices) will be responsible for the production of quantitative research reports and strategic briefings on an extremely wide variety of education topics, and will gain exposure to issues facing senior executives in the numerous institutions Hanover serves. This position will allow for the swift development and refinement of a comprehensive set of market research skills and provides the opportunity to develop a relationship with a young and rapidly-growing enterprise. We expect all employees to be intellectually curious, ambitious, and interested in assuming increasing levels of responsibility. This is a mid-level research position. 3. The Research Analyst (Education Practices) will support our Higher ED or K-12 clients and be responsible for the production of strategic briefings on an extremely wide variety of topics, and will gain exposure in the numerous industries Hanover serves. This position will allow for the swift development and refinement of a comprehensive set of primary and secondary research skills and provides the opportunity to develop a relationship with a young and rapidly-growing enterprise. We expect all employees to be intellectually curious, ambitious, and interested in assuming increasing levels of responsibility. This is a mid-level research position requiring both qualitative and strong quantitative research skills. Please take a look at the attached job descriptions and apply directly through our web application or by emailing me your cover letter and resume. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding these, or any other, of our current employment vacancies. Job Title: Department Coordinator Job Description: Click Here to Apply Online Department Coordinator, Washington DC-005403 This position, located in Washington DC, will be primarily responsible for providing administrative support to include: scheduling and coordination of meetings and group activities, coordination of travel arrangements; management of calendars for staff; schedule coordination for company visitors; process check requests, invoices and expense reports; management of office supplies. When needed, this role will assist team in preparing for and executing major meetings or events. Additional responsibilities include:
Edwards Lifesciences is the global leader in the science of heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring. Driven by a passion to help patients, the company partners with clinicians to develop innovative technologies in the areas of structural heart disease and critical care monitoring that enable them to save and enhance lives. Headquartered in Irvine, California, Edwards Lifesciences has extensive operations in North America, Europe, Japan, Latin America and Asia and currently employs about 8,200 individuals worldwide. For us, helping patients is not a slogan - it's our life's work. From developing devices that replace or repair a diseased heart valve to creating new technologies that monitor vital signs in the critical care setting, we focus on helping patients regain and improve the quality of their life. Edwards is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer including Minorities, Females, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. Job Title: Spanish Teacher Job Description: CESAR CHAVEZ PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL IS NOW HIRING Spanish Teacher, Grades (9-12) Vacancy Spanish Teacher Job Description Facilitate Learning · Understand developmental levels of scholars and appropriately differentiate instruction · Understand and use variety of data and data sources for lessonplanning · Monitor and modify lesson plans to heighten learning · Effect variety of strategies to meet learning styles of scholars · Integrate and use technology in instruction · Help scholars to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills · Seek and collaborate with specialists who can support special needsof scholars Establish and Maintain Effective Learning Environment · Set and maintain high expectations for academic performance andbehavior · Foster nurturing, respectful, and positive classroom environment · Collaborate with peers and instructional leaders to ensure rigorous and appropriate instruction Embody School Culture · Take responsibility for scholar progress · Grow and learn: work collaboratively to create learning community · Promote confidence and build partnerships within school communitye.g. parents, guardians, · Innovate · Actively participate in professional development programs · Assume role in school improvement beyond the classroom · Keep current on trends, legislation and developments related to education Know Content Area and Apply Interdisciplinary Content Knowledge Implement comprehensible input strategies to work towards ACTFL goal of 90% language use in class Teach and assess four fluencies (reading, speaking, listening, writing) of the target language Create and implement performance tasks to allow students to use the language in authentic settings Core Requirements: · Experience planning using Understanding by Design or backwardsplanning · Experience facilitating a student-centered classroom(cooperative learning, inquiry or project- based learning) · Use of a wide repertoire of instructional strategies · Ability to differentiate instruction for special needs students andEnglish language learners · Ability to use various formative assessments to monitor student understanding TO APPLY, PLEASE SEND RESUME AND COVER LETTER TO[email protected] Job Title: National Director of Academic Partnerships and Research Job Description: POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT National Director of Academic Partnerships and Research Jefferson Education Accelerator, LLC & The University of Virginia Curry School of Education Foundation Charlottesville, Virginia Background The Jefferson Education Accelerator, a unique public-private partnership with the University of Virginia Curry School of Education Foundation is searching for a National Director of Academic Partnerships and Research. This brand new position combines research savvy with a sophisticated understanding of practice in public education. This will be a unique opportunity to leverage research and evaluation skills to impact the development of effective educational technology that can support great learning across the U.S. The Director will be responsible for building out a network of the most innovative schools, colleges, and universities that are looking to test and evaluate today’s leading educational technologies and services. The Director will provide oversight and quality control for the evaluation of companies’ products and services, and will create and manage a nationwide network of innovative K-12 school districts and institutions of higher education for beta testing promising academic products, programs, and services. The Director will work closely with the Curry School of Education’sAssociate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, an Academic Advisory Board composed of Curry School faculty, and with the CEO of theJefferson Education Accelerator. The Jefferson Education Accelerator (JEA) will support schools, districts and higher education institutions in beta-testing technologies and solutions with the potential to improve student outcomes and support great teaching, and evaluating their success. The Director will play a key role in evaluating partner companies, engaging district or institutional partners, and overseeing beta-testing and evaluation – the core of the JEA program. The selected candidate will report directly to the CEO of the Jefferson Education Accelerator and will work closely with the Dean of the Curry School, the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development of the Curry School, and an independent faculty research panel. The selected candidate will be expected to engage, as appropriate, with the faculty and students of the school and the outreach partnership organizations hosted by the school. In addition to being directly employed (and paid) by the Jefferson Education Accelerator, the Director will be appointed to the faculty of the University of Virginia Curry School of Education. Primary Responsibilities ● Building and managing relationships with a network of school districts, colleges, and universities that are interested in beta testing the most promising academic support products, programs, and services in consultation with UVA faculty. ● Designing, performing, and/or supervising school implementations and efficacy studies to identify promising academic support products, programs, and services. ● Working closely with other Curry School faculty members, who may serve as consultants to specific projects and efficacy studies. Secondary Responsibilities ● Reviewing participating companies/organizations existing internal/external data and pedagogy; help companies understand the types of research most appropriate at different stages of product development. ● Supervising the construction and maintenance of a comprehensive database of academic researchers and specialties, in order to build a cadre of expert evaluation consultants. ● Providing opportunities for graduate and undergraduate student interns to conduct mentored research projects. ● Taking stock of the existing education beta testing programs, services, initiatives, clusters, and collaborations. Providing analysis on which work best, determining implications for JEA and for strategic partnerships, and working with the CEO to establish successful partnerships with other organizations that share our mission. ● Working to develop opportunities for additional policy research, and potentially helping to convene an annual policy conference. Desired Characteristics ● The ideal candidate has likely implemented (or supervised the implementation) and evaluation of numerous academic programs and/or services in his or her capacity as an assistant superintendent or dean, director of innovation, director of new programs, or director of education technology. The ideal candidate also has: ● Strong academic research credentials; PhD or equivalent preferred. ● A proven track record of designing, supervising, and/or evaluating school-based implementations. ● A proven track record as a builder and manager of teams and coalitions. ● Strong writing and communication skills. ● A proven ability to work independently and in an entrepreneurial fashion. ● Experience and understanding of the role that “evidence of efficacy” plays in the K-12 and/or higher education procurement process, and a desire to help shape that process (on a national scale) around evidence. ● Expertise in data-informed education reform and innovation. ● A track record of success in collaborating with teams of diverse stakeholders, including a history of highly collaborative research experience. Relationship with the University of Virginia Curry School of Education The Director of Research will be employed by the Jefferson Education Accelerator and will be appointed to the faculty of the UVA Curry School of Education in a secondary/non-salaried capacity. The Director of Research will work full time in an office at the UVA Curry School of Education. Teaching course(s) at the Curry School in topics related to education entrepreneurship, innovation, evaluation, and policy is optional and at the discretion of the Director, JEA CEO, and relevant Curry department chair. The Curry School of Education Foundation is a minority investor in the Jefferson Education Accelerator. Location, Travel, and Relocation The Director of Research will work full time at the UVA Curry School of Education and be based in Charlottesville, VA. Travel to school districts, other institutions of higher education, conferences, and the Washington D.C. area office of the Jefferson Education Accelerator is expected to be 20%. Support for relocation costs will be considered for exceptional candidates not already living in Charlottesville. Salary and Benefits This is a full time, salaried position. A competitive salary will be offered that corresponds to the successful candidate’s professional background, training and market rates. Benefits are included in the compensation package, which is expected to include substantial variable compensation (bonuses) for above-average performance. To Express Interest In order to receive consideration, expressions of interest sent to the CEO of the Jefferson Education Accelerator at [email protected] must include (1) your current resume or C.V.; (2) a link to your public LinkedIN (or other similar) profile; and (3) an email (or cover letter) that includes your compensation history for the most recent 5 years, and addresses your willingness to relocate to Charlottesville, if applicable. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT POSITION: Employee & Labor Relations Specialist DEPARTMENT: Office of Human Resources BULLETIN No: 02122014 SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with Experience OPENING DATE: 12/04/2014 CLOSING DATE: Open until filled FIRST SOURCE: N/A Brief Description: Under the direction of the Vice President, Human Resources, exercise discretion and critical thinking in the management and oversight of Employee Relations issues to ensure legal compliance. Provide Employee Relations support to managers and staff; advising of rights and obligations related to employment policies and practices. Research and/or investigate and resolve workplace complaints; make recommendations that promote positive employee relations. Understand and apply appropriate policies and laws in all workplace complaints. Serve as the Agency liaison to labor union. Remain current and informed in the field of employee & labor relations in order to share knowledge and insights with management and staff. Maintain knowledge of federal, state and local employment, EEO and labor laws. Assist with training management with respect to federal, state and local EEO and other personnel laws, ensuring consistent interpretation and application of laws, policies and procedures. Support the mediation/arbitration processes with the union, as necessary. Support the Vice President, Human Resources as required. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in human resources, labor relations, social sciences or a related discipline. Experience investigating and resolving complex workplace complaints. Four (4) years of progressively responsible experience in employee and labor relations, and prior experience in a unionized setting. Experience with analyzing and reporting data in order to identify issues, trends, or exceptions to drive improvement of results and find solutions. Experience handling union negotiations, conflict resolutions, and the principles, practices and procedures of human resources management. Thorough knowledge of federal, state and local employment, labor, NLRA/NLRB and wage and hour laws. Experience coaching and counseling staff and management. Ability to successfully work independently and within a team environment. Solid understanding and application of standard concepts, laws, practices and procedures within the employee relations field including NLRB, EEO, ADA, FLSA and FMLA. Ability to engage in strategic thinking and critical thinking, internal consulting, and change management. Possess excellent MS Office, HRIS and presentation skills. Desired Qualifications: Five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in employee and labor relations, and prior experience in a unionized setting. Ability to manage multiple projects and possess problem solving and crisis management skills. Other Requirements: In the event that an offer is extended, the candidate will be required to successfully complete a criminal background check and/or FBI Fingerprinting, pre-employment drug screening as applicable for the position. This position is NOT in the collective bargaining unit. Job Description Have you dreamt of being the founding member of a brand new service at Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Do you love engineering systems from ground up? Are you passionate about building software that touches breadth of AWS customers? If so, then we may have perfect position for you! AWS is launching a new massive scale service. We are looking for talented engineers to establish foundation for a durable, highly operational service and play key role in delivering on it. As an engineer on the team, you will have significant influence on our overall technology design, drive system architecture and spearhead best practices. You will work closely with product and program management to refine product requirements and work with senior technical staff to define the architecture. The ideal candidate will be customer centric, is passionate about start-up opportunities and feels strongly about building high quality software that exceeds its operational goals. Basic Qualifications
This position requires the applicant selected to obtain and maintain a Top Secret security clearance with Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) eligibility and access. A US Government administered polygraph examination will be required. TS/SCI eligibility is not required to start; however, the applicant selected will be subject to a Single-Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified national security information. Applicants with a current SSBI, SBPR, or PPR, may be eligible for crossover in accordance with ICPG 704. ![]() The Human Rights Campaign seeks DC-based Regional Field Organizer for Western region with at least two to four years of experience in electoral campaigns or field organizing, and a demonstrated record of successful coalition-building; familiarity with region preferred. Hamilton Place Strategies would like to kick off the New Year w/ a new Receptionist to manage first impressions & other admin duties; experience with Google Apps and Box preferred – we're told they are also still in search for News Cycle Management Intern and Public Affairs Intern candidates. The folks at Ervin|Hill Strategy have told us they are actively seeking CVs for Spring term Intern (scroll down) post; self-starters & multi-taskers encouraged. United Nations Foundation
Tech America/CompTIA – Senior Manager, Public Sector & Public Policy Communications – 5+ years experience in media relations desired, ideally with a balance of Capitol Hill & tech industry backgrounds Service Women’s Action Network seeks New York-based Program Director, Women Veterans Leadership & Public Policy Fellowship on part-time basis – prime duty is to create, establish and build a sustainable Fellowship program to be attended by women veterans with the purpose of fostering their ability to act in the future as leaders speaking to policy matters pertaining to national security and the military and veterans community – DC-based Communications Intern and Policy/Legislative Intern also available Project Hope – Development Intern – unpaid position; available to current college upperclassman or grad student, or recent graduate – Bethesda location Council on Foundations – Communications Associate – basic HTML and CSS knowledge a plus, as well as the ability to do some graphic design & video production work Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International – Communications Manager – winning hire will have demonstrated experience in a communications leadership role RMR Associates – Media Relations Intern – Rockville-based The National Security Agency seeks Protocol Officer to join them at Fort Meade – $42k-$67k – experience putting together social events desired, although your highly lauded work putting together that killer mixer with Phi Mu back in the day is probably best kept off your cover letter (save it for the interview!) Mystery large-scale international labor union looks to add Social Media Manager and Communications Specialist hires to the team National Governors Association – Communications Assistant – deadline-meeting, detail-oriented types encouraged This is well outside our usual scope, but we’ll throw it out there in the odd chance that any Richmond-area folks with a background in art history, museum studies, art education, conservation and/or studio art happen to be browsing about: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts –Assistant Registrar – 20 month term – apply by 5:00 p.m. on Nov. 26 |
AuthorMark Ausbrooks is the Academic Tourist. He occasionally blogs about colleges and universities that he encounters. Archives
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